best ccrn review

What Does the Best CCRN Review Course Offer?

Review courses are one of the best ways to succeed in achieving your CCRN certification. Just like you probably took an NCLEX review course, a CCRN review course helps you hone in on what you need to know and to what extent you need to know it. But, you do not have to know everything to a tee to pass. Rather, you need to have a good grasp on specific content areas that you will be tested on, which only comes from taking a good review course. Here’s what the best CCRN review course will offer.

Easy-To-Access Content.

The best online courses make it very easy for you to find specific information, follow a study plan, and revisit past material. There should be no second-guessing how to access information when you need it. Thus, when you are looking for a course, choose one that is simple to navigate, so you can focus on the reason you are there: to study.

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Nurses are busy. Whether you are new to the profession or have been around for a while, you are surely busy personally and professionally. Therefore, you probably don’t have a lot of disposable time, nor do you likely have a set schedule.

Your review course needs to be entirely flexible, where you do not have to sign in or attend virtual courses at specific times. With that said, many people benefit from a bit of structure. The best CCRN review courses will give you plenty of flexibility while making sure their content is available on all your devices and at all hours.

Engaging Instructors

Learning from real CCRN nurses currently working in critical care is one of the best ways to grasp those need-to-know subject areas. Nurses who currently work in the field have a better understanding of up-to-date practices and trends in health care and can make the information you need to know more palatable and relatable.

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Stimulating Delivery of Information.

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Several studies show that people remember information best when it is delivered in a short, concise manner. According to cognitive load theory, your working memory is quite limited, meaning that you must be selective about what information you pay attention to in a learning environment. 

Sitting through lengthy pre-recorded audio lectures or reading a ton of content at one time can make it easy to miss important information. With the significant advancements in educational technologies, there are so many new ways to learn information. For example, short video modules (that are just a few minutes in length) are one of the best ways to retain information.

Opportunities to Ask Questions Live

The ability to ask real instructors your questions and seek clarification on complex topics is a unique feature of most CCRN review courses. Most courses use a hands-off approach, where they provide the study material and let you tackle it on your own. Therefore, look for a course (and they are rare) where you can actually meet with instructors virtually to get your questions answered.

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Discussion Groups

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The ability to interact and discuss information with other nurses is one of the key reasons why some people choose in-person review courses. However, the best online review courses will offer a platform for you to connect with people across the country who are also studying for their CCRN exam. These platforms can be a great space to ask questions relevant to study material and the certification process in general and share your experiences as a critical care nurse.

Ample Practice Questions



Practice questions are the best way to gauge how far you have come in the study process and how far you still need to go. The best review courses will quiz you and give you a practice exam that mimics the real exam, so you know exactly what to expect on test day.

best ccrn review

What Is The Best CCRN Review Course?

Critical Care Academy is the best CCRN review course. Sure, we are just a little biased, but we will tell you why you should prepare with us.

We make it our business to help you pass:  Critical Care Academy guarantees you will pass the first time you take the exam. We are so sure of our course method that we will give you your money back if you do not pass.

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We are nurses helping nurses. CCA is founded and run by critical care nurses. We know what you need to know to not only pass the exam but thrive in your role as a CCRN certified nurse.

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CCA is incredibly flexible: Our material is always available, meaning that you can access it anytime you have time. We make it simple to see what you have already studied and what you still need to learn.

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We are mobile-friendly The amount of time we spend in front of our phones is…incredible. Indeed, we almost always have it within reach or attached to our bodies. Having a mobile-friendly review course means you can access material when you are taking your lunch break or waiting for an appointment.

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CCA has live coaching webinars: We take our course a giant step forward compared to other programs by offering live sessions where you can ask any questions and seek clarification on those hard-to-understand concepts. These sessions are particularly fantastic because you can listen to other people’s questions which may help further an area of understanding that you may not have explored yet.

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Information is delivered in short, digestible video modules. We know all about cognitive load theory, so we try not to overload you by only giving you the information you need to know in the most concise (but engaging) way possible.

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We love practice question.
We know that practice makes perfect, so the more opportunities you have to check yourself, the better. Our program gives you questions throughout the content, as well as quizzes and a complete practice exam to see if you know your stuff.

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Our review course equates to continuing education. We are a Licensed Continuing Education Provider by the California Board of Registered Nurses (#17001). Therefore, students who complete Critical Care Academy’s review course can get up to 12 contact hours of continuing education.

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Critical Care Academy will help you pass

the first time you sit for your CCRN exam – guaranteed.